Academic Staff

Tobias Alfvén
Tobias Alfvén works as senior researcher in Global Health at the Department of Public Health…

Pedro Arcos González
Doctor of Medicine (Oviedo) and Doctor of Public Health (London). Medical specialist in Preventive Medicine…

María Avello Martínez
Academic Qualifications/ complementary training Bachelor of Law (University of Oviedo). Master in European Law, Specialty…

Luis Carrio Carro
Psychologist who is broadly interested in public health, behaviour, disease and medicine. Additionally, he is…

Rafael Castro Delgado
Doctor of Medicine (Oviedo). Master in Disasters and Emergency Medicine. Medical specialist in Family Medicine.…

Sara Causevic
Fulbright Alumna trained at the Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health and London…

Christiana Demetriou
Christiana Demetriou is Assistant Professor of Epidemiology and Public Health at the University of Nicosia…

Anneli Eriksson
Anneli Eriksson is a registered nurse specialized in anesthesia care, with a master in international…

Helena Frielingsdorf
Helena Frielingsdorf is currently combining a residency in psychiatry in Norrköping with research in a…

Sarah Gharbi
Sarah Gharbi is currently Head of Desk for West and Central Africa at the Swedish…

Julita Gil Cuesta
Julita Gil Cuesta is a Medical Doctor and Master in Public Health in Spain. She…

Ruth Gil Prieto
Dr. Ruth Gil Prieto is professor of Preventive Medicine and Public Health at Rey Juan…

Debarati Guha-Sapir
Debarati Guha-Sapir, was born India and is currently full professor at the Université catholique de…

Alain Guillet
Master of Mathematical Engineering and Master of Computer science. Statistical consultant in the Statistical Methodology…

Alexandros Heraclides
Dr Alexandros Heraclides BSc, MSc, PhD Dr Heraclides has a BSc degree in Biology, an…

Anna-Clara Hollander
Higher education: 2013 PhD in Psychiatric Epidemiology, KI 2007 Master in clinical psychology (Psykologexamen), Uppsala…

Rachel Irwin
Rachel Irwin is a postdoctoral fellow in medical humanities at Lund University. Prior to this…

Ourania Kolokotroni
Dr Ourania Kolokotroni, B Med. Sci. BMBS, PhD, MRCPCH Dr Kolokotroni holds a BSc in…

Stefan Liljegren
Stefan Liljegren has worked for 10 missions with Doctors Without Borders, mainly in war context,…

Joris van Loenhout
Joris obtained his MSc in Toxicology and Environmental Health at Utrecht University, the Netherlands, in…

Kevin Miguélez Morán
Medical specialist in Family and Community Medicine. Master in Analysis and Management of Emergency and…

Eduardo Montero
Registered Nurse (Barcelona), Graduate in Public Relations and Advertising (Barcelona). Post graduate studies in Emergency…

Helena Nordenstedt
Assistant Professor in Global Health at KI since 2014. Helena Nordenstedt finished her medical degree…

Claes-Göran Östenson
Claes-Göran Östenson, M.D., Ph.D. Department of Molecular Medicine and Surgery, Endocrine and Diabetes Unit Karolinska…

Vicente Riego Corujedo
MSc Engineering Geology (Complutense University of Madrid).MSc Natural Hazards and Disaster Management (University of Oviedo).…

Emmanuel Robesyn
Emmanuel Robesyn, European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), Sweden Emmanuel Robesyn is a…

Fredrik Rücker
I have worked as a MD in low, middle and high income countries. I have…

Johan Von Schreeb
Education JvS is a specialist in general surgery specialised in global disaster medicine Research description…

Stefan Walter
Dr. Stefan Walter is a senior researcher and specialist at the Fundación de Investigación del…