The Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree in Public Health in Disasters (EMJMDPHID) is a joint university educational programme organized by the Unit for Research in Emergency and Disaster of the Universidad de Oviedo (Spain), the Centre for Research on Health Care in Disasters of the Karolinska Institutet (Sweden) and the Department of Primary Care and Population Health of the University of Nicosia (Cyprus) designed to deliver high quality education and training in the field of Public Health in disaster situations. The Programme is sponsored by the European Union and also involves associated universities and institutions around the world.
Active disasters (from ReliefWeb)

University of Chulalongkorn University, new Associate Center
Meeting between the coordinator of the Erasmus Master Program in Public Health in Disasters with…

Meeting with Turkish students
Meeting with Turkish students of Çanakkale University within Erasmus activities

New Associate Member joining the Master
The Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University (Çanakkale, Turkey) is joining the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree…

New Associate Member joining the Master
The Chulalongkorn University Faculty of Medicine (Bangkok, Thailand) is joining the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master…