Scientific Papers
July, 2016
Abello JE, Gil Cuesta J, Cerro BR, Guha-Sapir D. Factors Associated with the Time of Admission among Notified Dengue Fever Cases in Region VIII Philippines from 2008 to 2014. PLoS Negi Trop Dis. 2016;10(10):e0005050
Arcos González P, Ferrero Fernández E, Castro Delgado R. Los Centros Coordinadores de Urgencias – 112 como potenciales herramientas de vigilancia epidemiológica: El caso de la Gripe estacional. Gaceta Sanitaria 2016; 30 (Sl ): 74-75.
Arcos González P, Ferrero Fernández E, Castro Delgado R. La geografía del impacto de los desastres sobre la salud pública en España. Gaceta Sanitaria 2016; 30 (Sl ): 41.
Tatah L.S., Delbiso T.D., Rodríguez-Llanes, J.M., Cuesta, J.G., Guha-Sapir D. Impact of refugees on local health systems: A difference-in-differences analysis in Cameroon. PLoS One. 2016;11(12):e0168820
Baranwal et al., Water Faecal Contamination and Household Morbidity in Slums of M-Ward, Mumbai, India International Journal of Environment and Natural Sciencies, Vol. 10: 9-15 (2016)
January, 2016
Hawajri O. Natural disasters and complex humanitarian emergencies in the occupied Palestinian territories. Emergency and Disaster Reports 2016; 3 (1): 4-51.
Castro Delgado R, Arcos González P, Cuartas Álvarez T. Atentados terroristas y servicios médicos de emergencia: tiempo para la reflexión. Emergencias 2016; 28: 137-138.
Baruwal A, Arcos González P, Castro Delgado R, Kumar Jimee G. Validation Study of the World Health Organization and Pan American Health Organization Hospital-Based Disaster Preparedness Questionnaires in Nepal. Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness 2016; 10.
Cherri Z, Arcos González P, Castro Delgado R. The Lebanese-Syrian Crisis: Impact of influx of Syrian Refugees to an already weak state. Journal of Risk Management and Healthcare Policy 2016; 9: 165-172.