Scientific Papers
January, 2017
Nidzvetska S, rodriguez-llanes JM, Aujoulat I, Gil Cuesta J, Tappis H, van Loenhout JA, et al. Maternal and Child Health of Internally Displace person in Ukraine: A Qualitative Study. Int J Environ Pres Public Health. 2017;14(1)
Ying Yew Y, Arcos Gonzalez P, Castro Delgado R. Disaster Severity Index: Proposal of a New Tool in Disaster Metrics. Prehosp Disaster Med 2017; 32 (Suppl. 1): s26–s27
August, 2016
Castro Delgado R, Naves Gómez C, Cuartas Álvarez T, Arcos González P. An epidemiological approach to Mass Casualty Incidents in the Principality of Asturias (Spain). Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine 2016; 24: 18-27.
De Priester L. An approach to the profile of disaster risk of Indonesia. Emergency and Disaster Reports 2016; 3 (2): 5-66.
Merve A, Arcos González P, Castro Delgado R. The Perceived Barriers of Access to Health Care Among a Group of Non-Camp Syrian Refugees in Jordan. International Journal of Health Services 2016; 41.
Castro Delgado R, Correa Arango A, Cuartas Álvarez T, Arcos González P. Bases conceptuales del triage prehospitalario en incidentes de múltiples víctimas. Evidentia 2016; (25): 51-52.
Arcos González P, Castro Delgado R, Mahabir R, Ferrero Fernández, E. The feasibility of applying the Disaster Severity Score: the case of Spain. Journal of Intensive and Critical Care 2016; 2 (2) 27.
Arcos González P, Castro Delgado R, Cuartas Álvarez T, Garijo Gonzalo G, Martínez Monzón C, Peláez Corres N, Rodríguez Soler A, Turegano Fuentes F. The development and features of the Spanish Prehospital Advanced Triage Method (META) for mass casualty incidents. Scandinavian Journal of Trauma Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine 2016; 24(1): 63.
Bekolo C.E., van Loenhout J.A.F., Rodriguez-Llanes, JM., Rumunu, J., Ramadan, OP, Guha-Sapir D. (2016) A retrospective analysis of oral cholera vaccine use, disease severity and deaths during an outbreak in South Sudan. Bull World Helath Organ. 2016;94(9):667-674.