Baranwal et al., Water Faecal Contamination and Household Morbidity in Slums of M-Ward, Mumbai, India International Journal of Environment and Natural Sciencies, Vol. 10: 9-15 (2016)



This study was conducted in slums of Shivaji Mumbai, India. Two slums within the area were selected, the water samples were collected from the point of use and H2S water testing was done in resettled (Natwar Parekh Compound, 80 samples) and non-resettled (Raffiq Nagar, 72 samples) slums. Study showed that the households where the quality of water was better the morbidity conditions in those households were low as compared to the other households. Household affected by the faecal contamination of the water and more prone to water borne diseases. Source of water and access to water source (public or community water sources) was associated with diseases like fever and cough. Thus, a strong association of poor water of diseases was found whether it was a resettled slum or non be given towards developing practical strategies to ensure safe drinking water, provided at the point of supply and consumption, a needs to be improved no matter it is a human habitation which will lead to reduction in water borne diseases and improved overall health.

Keywords: Faecal contamination, Drinking Water, Slum, H2S test, morbidity, Mumbai



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